Open Source Contribution Hacktoberfest, TechNexus
– Integrated the open-source Leaflet Maps library into a website for discovering tech events. Implemented
functionality to search nearest events, filtering using spatial indexing.
– Technologies: NodeJs, ReactJS, Postgres, PostGIS
A blogging application created using Spring Boot, ReactJS, MySQL DB.
Supports functionality for:
- User authentication & authorization via Spring Security using JWT tokens.
- Supports CRUD operation regarding creation of Topics.
- Supports CRUD operation regarding creation of posts inside topics.
- Topics, multiple posts under each topic.
- User-topic subscription.
- Comments under posts stored in MongoDB.
- Votes for each post.
- Search functionality for topics.
- Collection of APIs through Postman is found in file bloApp.postman_collection.json
(ready to import).
- Endpoints documented via OpenAPI/Swagger-UI. http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
- The schema for the same can be found in file
in the root directory.
- For running it locally, can be used to download the required additional
Comment Management: The Comment Management service remains as is, but it now interacts with MongoDB
instead of MySQL.
Github link
Technologies: Spring Boot, React, MySQL, MongoDB, Docker
Provides an end-to-end Human Resource Management tool, providing various features depending upon the
access level of the logged in user. Developed by kaustubhdeokar, Lkishor123 & pathave
Youtube Video
Hosting - Digital Ocean
Key Features:
For Company Admins:
- Employee Management: Easily add, delete, and update employee records.
- Dynamic Forms: Create customizable forms for employees to complete, with the ability to set
- Work Tracking: Monitor employee productivity by tracking hours worked and tasks completed.
For Employees:
- Form Management: Update and submit forms assigned by the company admin.
- Goal & KPI Management: Set and manage goals/KPIs for employees under their supervision.
- Feedback: Provide feedback on goals set by managers.
- Timesheet Management: Log time spent on various tasks and activities throughout the day or week.
- Attendance Tracking: Record daily log-in and log-out times.
- Employee Summary: Access a summary of employee details and performance.
- Employee Hierarchy: View the organizational hierarchy and reporting structure.
Technologies: MongoDB, Spring Boot, ReactJS, Docker, GitHub Actions