• Byte Reader Streams - InputStream

To read a single byte. ```java

private static void readSingleByte(InputStream input) throws IOException { int intVal;

    while((intVal= input.read())>=0){
        byte byteVal = (byte) intVal;
        //using byteVal.

> To read an array of  bytes.

   private static void readSingleByte(InputStream input) throws IOException {
        int bytesRead;
        byte[] byteArr = new byte[10];//could be any number, refers to the number of bytes you wish to read.
        while((bytesRead= input.read(byteArr))>=0){
            for(int i=0;i<bytesRead;i++){
                byteArr[i]//has the value read.                 


  • Text Reader Streams - Reader

Just replacing the byte with text.